It's evening. Very sleepy. Long day, not enough sleep. Pulled myself away from internet poker to shower. Naked in front of the bathroom mirror, I shimmied. My fat - on my belly and my bum and thighs - jiggled. As if there was a hollow in there. I used to be plump and full, now I'm hollowing out perhaps.
Though it's not my time of day for a legit weigh-in (after sleep) I stepped on the scale. Three times. The readings were as high as 238 and as low as 236. Very exciting! I can't wait to stand on the scale tomorrow morning! If I weigh 240 in the morning, though, I might have to break something.
1 comment:
Its great to see the signs of the fat going at last! Mine feels kind of softer now - it is great!
Great new low weight-wise, eh?
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