Friday, November 6, 2009

exercise pledge group on facebook

So, yesterday I stuck to the plan and today, too, and I think I'm back on track! Woo hoo! My weight continues to bounce around. Saturday is my weigh-in. This morning I was 227, up again from 226 the previous day.

I read here about one gym who is throwing a contest where participants put in $20 and pledge to workout 3 times a week from now until Christmas, and at the end of the allotted time, the winner would take the pot! They also include weight loss in that contest, but for me I thought particularly about the workouts. I thought it sounded like a fun idea, and when I attempted to gauge interest in a status update, it seemed like some people might be interested. So I created a Facebook group and invited all my Facebook friends. So far 15 people have joined up. However, I'm not sure how many of them read about the group before they joined, or if they just clicked on the Join button. So far only me and one other have pledged to put in the $20. Anyway, I was so inspired, I went to the gym today and got up on an elliptical trainer. I am definitely weak compared to when I am strong. It will be hard for me to get in my 3 30-minute workouts per week, not because I don't have time, but I don't manage my time well. But hopefully now I will.

I had intended to wait until after I reached my goal of 220 before I started putting on muscle weight, but oh well, maybe 220 will just have to wait a little longer.


carla said...


any strength training NOW will help you shed weight more quickly, jack up yer metabolism and cause you to love your bod even more as the weight falls off and your new!muscles! are revealed.


purple_moonflower said...

That's great!! I need to start boosting my strength training. I do great with the cardio, but I think my body has come to a point that I need to do weight lifting to build muscles.

HD said...

I love that my post and the contest have inspired you! You can DO IT! As my fave spinning instructor says (or yells): GO! GO! GO!