Monday, September 14, 2009

100th post - struggling to stay on-plan

100th post. Maybe it's appropriate that I'd be struggling. I forgot to weigh myself. More work conflicts and sleep schedule issues. I woke up when I needed to sleep, then finally went back to sleep and slept through my alarm. Then woke up three hours later and realized it was late. Fortunately I couldn't have worked much anyway because the stage floor was painted and was wet. Hmmm. I needed today to be good because tomorrow I'm working somewhere else - so this is NOT working well.

I need all the time I can get at the theatre, but I showered first, then made myself make 3 meals (and ate 1) and 2 snacks rather than go for takeout. It was an odd reminder of what keeping up with the meal plan should feel like, I must have got off-track. Then cleaning up after myself. Time has passed, I must go.

Another problem coming up. At some point in time, I need to plan a new meal plan for the coming week, PRINT IT UP, and shop for it! I don't know where in the hourly planner that's going to happen. I'm not sure what I have to eat tomorrow. I definitely have to print up that meal plan.

1 comment:

Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

Congratulations on the 100th post! That's a great milestone. It's so hard to keep on track when your life is so busy.

Just one day at a time. You can do it!